No one initiates a member of the Odin Brotherhood. After being called by the gods, in a special dream, an individual initiates himself or herself.
Initiation into the Odin Brotherhood–which only occurs at the solstices–-involves a kind of vision quest cemented by a "ceremony of blood."
The initiation rite of the Odin Brotherhood involves solitude, a diet of bread and ice, a white shroud, a dagger, and a fire. Aiming to become the "blood brother" of the gods and goddesses, the ritual is based on the "marking with the spear" ceremony described in the Ynglinga Saga by Snorri Sturluson.
Initiation into the Odin Brotherhood–which only occurs at the solstices–-involves a kind of vision quest cemented by a "ceremony of blood."
The initiation rite of the Odin Brotherhood involves solitude, a diet of bread and ice, a white shroud, a dagger, and a fire. Aiming to become the "blood brother" of the gods and goddesses, the ritual is based on the "marking with the spear" ceremony described in the Ynglinga Saga by Snorri Sturluson.